Mărturie Tomescu Ioan Lucian 

Mărturie Tomescu Ioan Lucian 

„Cu noi ajungeți acolo unde mijloacele de transport in comun nu ajung”. – Aceasta este deviza tanarului  antreprenor Tomescu Ioan...

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Monograph study of the „Social Store for Refugees” Intervention (Tender NO 34.2_07.03.2023)

World Vision International is inviting you to a request for offer regarding the Monograph study of the „Social Store for Refugees”...

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Litera preferată a lui Ionuț este “N”, de la numele bunicii care îi poartă de grijă: “Ne descurcăm cum putem” 

Pe o alee neasfaltată, la cinci minute de centrul unui sat din Ialomița, într-o casă cu două cămăruțe, un băiețel...

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TENDER NO-06 FY23 „Invitation for presenting the offer for “Drinking Water for office ” for the location Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Dolj, Iasi,Valcea, Vaslui.

REQUEST FOR PREQUALIFICATION TENDER NO-06 FY23 „Invitation for presenting the offer for “Drinking Water for office ” for the location...

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TENDER NO-03 FY23 „Invitation for presenting the offer for “Refreshments ” for the location  Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Dolj, Iasi,Valcea, Vaslui. 

REQUEST FOR PREQUALIFICATION TENDER NO-03 FY23 „Invitation for presenting the offer for “Refreshments ” for the location  Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta,...

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“Food Packages  and hygienic items ” for the location Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Dolj, Iasi,Valcea, Vaslui. 

REQUEST FOR PREQUALIFICATION TENDER NO-02 FY23 „Invitation for presenting the offer for “Food Packages  and hygienic items ” for the location Bucharest,...

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PREQUALIFICATION FOR TENDER NO-05 FY23 TENDER NO-05 FY23: Invitation for presenting the offer for services of  “Hotel & venues for big...

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