Donate for what matters: we offer help for people running away from the war in Ukraine

Following the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, we see ourselves in the need to intervene where we can to help the victims. History has it that children are always the ones who suffer the most.

In endless pain, the children of Ukraine are suffering. And while everyone is helpless in the face of this tragedy, our thoughts and prayers turn to the entire population faced with adversity.

Join us and lend a helping hand wherever you can.

We intervene urgently where needed, through food, hygiene products, disinfectant products, and counseling where appropriate. Solidarity is the most important right now. We offer help for Ukraine.

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În aceste timpuri dificile la nivel global, noi vă spunem tuturor:

AJUTĂM ÎN CONTINUARE MII DE COPII SĂ AIBĂ SPERANȚA UNUI VIITOR MAI BUN. Dăruim educație pentru că educația este transformatoare, este cea care declanșează evoluția unui popor.