World Vision International Ukraine Crisis Response
Moldova and Romania
Tender NO 6.4_12.01.2023
Title of the service:
Consultancy :
Integrated Emergency Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Romania and Moldova
Romania and Moldova
World Vision
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)
General Information In the framework of the Project “Integrated Emergency Services for Ukrainian Refugee in Romania and Moldova,” funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), World Vision in Romania is seeking to contract an expert with the skills and experience to conduct a gender-responsive assessment of the educational needs and capacities of children and adolescents from the Ukrainian refugee community.
- Background
The war in Ukraine has caused death and suffering on a dramatic scale and left at least 15.7 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and protection. The conflict has also caused the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis since World War II, with nearly 14 million people uprooted in less than two months. Over a quarter of Ukraine’s population have fled their homes, including over 7.7 million people now estimated to be internally displaced and over 6.8 million crossing borders to seek security and safety in other countries. As of 16 June, 502,716 refugees arrived in the Republic of Moldova, around 85,497 of whom have remained in the country, and 659,009 refugees arrived in the Republic of Romania, about 90,297 of whom have remained in the country1.
World Vision’s Ukraine Crisis Response started soon after the outbreak of the conflict in March 2022 to address the needs of the war-affected populations inside Ukraine and those who fled to neighbouring Romania and Moldova.
1.2. The Project
In Romania and Moldova, within the frame of the project, World Vision and partners will aim to reduce human suffering and increase and maintain dignity for conflict-affected and most vulnerable women, girls, boys, and men. This will be achieved by increasing equitable access to integrated services for protection and focusing on the emergent basic needs of girls, women, boys, and men from the Ukrainian Refugee community in Romania and Moldova. The project’s theory of change promotes an integrated approach that focuses on providing emergency services while interlinking and utilizing existing services based on the experience and evidence-based models and approaches used by WV and other partners working in the Ukraine crisis response aligned with the recommendation provided by
relevant clusters. In that sense, the immediate outcome of the project is to increase access to psychosocial support for parents, caregivers, extended families of refugees, and host communities. The project design recognizes the high needs of parents and caregivers to support emotional healing for themselves and their children in the present context.
Secondly, the project aims to increase access to gender-responsive integrated services such as MHPSS, GBV and child protection for the most vulnerable refugee population with a strong focus on women. Targeted interventions will take place at child-friendly spaces (CFSs) and refugee centers with a dual focus on children and their caregivers so that parents/caregivers are confident to leave their children at these centers when they receive services.
Thirdly, the project aims to increase access to health, Psycho-socio Support and essential items for vulnerable refugees in Moldova and plans to provide hygiene and NFI kits to the most vulnerable refugees, focusing on the elderly.
The geographic areas that World Vision and partners work in in the framework of this project are Bucharest, Constanta, and Iasi for Romania, and Calarasi, Nisporeni, Singerei and Telenesti for Moldova. - Purpose and Objectives of the Assessment
In Romania and Moldova, there has been limited opportunity to listen to the perspectives of adolescent girls and boys and their caregivers, especially on preferred education and life skills platforms, intervention frequency, timing, and modality, among others. The same applies to the needs and barriers of older men and women to access health and MHPSS services. To address this gap, a gender-responsive needs assessment will be conducted in Romania and Moldova, focusing on the sectors of education and access to protection, MHPSS and health services, including for beneficiaries with disabilities.
The goal of the gender-responsive needs assessment is to complete and produce an assessment on the following:
i. the existing capacities, needs and barriers of children and adolescents in terms of education in Romania and Moldova
ii. access barriers to protection, MHPSS and health services, especially for elderly members of the refugee population
Data collection and analysis should include triangulation of data from primary and secondary sources wherever possible. The secondary data will be drawn from a review of existing assessments from other actors working in the area and national authorities. All secondary data should be vetted for quality and reliability. Once secondary data has been reviewed, any information gap will rely directly on collected primary data. The primary data depends on a triangulated mixed methods approach (involving quantitative and qualitative methods such as survey, FGD, KII, and desk review) that provides information from various population and stakeholder perspectives.
2.2 RFP Timetable
RFP Release Febuary 02, 2023 Services Provider’s Response of Intent to Bid By Febuary 09, 2023 Proposal Submission Deadline 17.00 hours (Romanian Time); Febuary 09, 2023 Evaluation February 10, 2023 Award February 13, 2023 Contract Signing February 15, 2023 - Main activities and Time Frame:
It is envisaged that the data collection process should be complete by the end of November 2022 and that the final report should be produced by the end of December 2022 or the beginning of January 2023.
TASKS TENTATIVE TIMETABLE Development of the methodology, design and tools submitted to World Vision The second week of February 2023 Completion of the data collection The fourth week of February 2023 Data Cleaning, Analysis, and draft report Mid-March 2023 Presentation of needs assessment key findings and finalization of the report End of March 2023 - Expected Outputs/ Deliverables
4.1 The expected deliverables throughout the process of needs assessment include:
• An inception report for the planned needs assessment of 10 pages, including a detailed section on quantitative and qualitative methodology, sampling plan and tools (without annexes) to be submitted within ten days of signing the contract.
• Data analysis plan and timeline
• A draft report of the need assessment of 30-40 pages maximum (excluding annexes), including a draft executive summary of the assessment of the results.
• The final need assessment report of 30-40 pages maximum (excluding annexes) with the final executive summary.
• A 2–3-page executive summary of the key findings
• A presentation of the needs assessment and key findings to World Vision, at which key internal staff should be present.
4.2. The final report should be available in two versions:
• A detailed, in-depth that will be available internally to World Vision staff
• A lighter, abbreviated version that will be shared with peers, authorities, and other key stakeholders.
• All reports need to be submitted in English.
• The findings and executive summary report must be structured according to the evaluation questions. An outline of the report’s structure needs to be agreed upon during the inception phase with World Vision’s focal point. - Required Qualifications and Expertise of the Consultant/Consultancy firm
• Previous experience in monitoring, evaluating, or research exercises in Eastern Europe, including primary data collection.
• Have proven experience conducting qualitative and quantitative multi-sectoral needs assessment exercises and have access to technical expertise related to sectors under study.
• Proven capacity to engage an experienced team to carry out data collection.
• Have a good knowledge of data collection software (such as Kobo, SMAP) and statistical packages (such as SPSS) and advanced analysis skills
• excellent report-writing skills
• Capacity to arrange all logistical and security arrangements independently for fieldwork (the contracted service provider is expected to organize its logistics and security arrangements).
• Ability to meet deadlines and maintain high-quality output while working under pressure and time constraints
• To provide a list of 3-5 references for previous similar work conducted. - Ethical considerations:
All persons working with World Vision must respect the Child Safeguarding Policy and General Code of Conduct. - Submission of Application
The Proposal should include the following:
• Letter of application that details the ability of the consultant/consultancy to deliver a quality needs assessment within the given time frame, including an overview of relevant work and technical experience
• CV of key personnel on the assessment team
• technical proposal and work plan for the process of developing and conducting the needs assessment
• overview of the proposed methodology
• Financial fee that is broken down with explanations for key lines including all applicable taxes
Sign the Supplier Code of Conduct;
If you are a registered company / organization / agency, please also provide Tax Registration certification (NUIS) - Payment/Fee expert
• The service is expected to be finalized by the end of February 2023.
• Actual workdays should not exceed 40 days for the consultancy. - Criteria’s for evaluation
• Consultant understands of the brief and the methodology.(15)
• Capacity and capability to handle the work (15)
• A proposed plan of action to achieve the objectives of the ToR should be submitted for evaluation. (15)
• The experience in the fields of (15)
• Transfer of knowledge and skills to executives within WVA .(10)
• Price (30) - General administrative information:
Technical proposal – In this part, the applicants will describe the approach and methodology for implementing the tasks. The proposal will include a statement outlining the rationale for the number and relevant experience of the experts/ agency that will be included for the service. If more than one expert will apply, team composition and distribution of tasks should be a specific section of the technical proposal.
Financial Proposal – The applicants should provide a detailed budget for delivering all the tasks and activities foreseen in this call. The budget should, at least, distinguish between expertize days (fee days), and miscellaneous costs related with the preparation, presentation and printing of the final report.
*World Vision maintains the confidentiality of the offer and documentation you submit based on its strict procurement policies.
Final Evaluation and Award of Contract. The contract will be awarded to the best technically acceptable proposal considering proposed prices.
The following formula will be used for combined technical and financial evaluation of proposals:
The lowest evaluated Financial Proposal (Fm) is given the maximum financial score (Sf) of 100. The formula for determining the financial scores (Sf) of all other Proposals is calculated as following:
Sf = 100 x Fm/ F, in which “Sf” is the financial score, “Fm” is the lowest price, and “F” the price of the proposal under consideration.
The weights given to the Technical (T) and Financial (P) Proposals are:
T = 70, and
P = 30
Proposals are ranked according to their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores using the weights (T = the weight given to the Technical Proposal; P = the weight given to the Financial Proposal; T + P = 1) as following: S = St x T% + Sf x P%.
Only Bidders that have passed the pre-qualification process of Technical and Administrative proposals will be considered for financial proposal evaluation
Selection process
The proposals received will be evaluated according to the following criteria (70 % technical and 30% financial offer): - Application procedure:
Deadline for receipt of applications 09 February , 2023
Questions/requests should be made by latest 08 February 2023 to the following e-mail address: Applications should be submitted:
1 – Only via email at this address:
2 – Offers/applications received in other email addresses other than and after the deadline will not be accepted.
3 – Suppliers/Service providers that fail to comply with required documents can result not to be considered for further comparison
Notes related to World Vision Child and Adult Safeguard Policy:
All people working for World Vision, or visiting its programmes are obliged to sign its Child and Adult Safeguard Policy and Behavior Protocols. This policy aims to create a child-safe organizational environment and is based on the principles of the UN CRC and its protocols.
Important note: The contract will be awarded to the winner upon submission of official documents that certify that the full team of the project – including field team – complies with the child protection rules and procedures. The selected applicant will be informed about the required documents before finalization of the contract.
Child protection & data confidentiality
The consultant, along with all enumerators and sub-contractors, will be required to sign and follow World Vision International´s child and adult safeguarding standards and protocols of behaviour, which will be provided to the research team selected.
The consultant must obtain respondents’ consent before any data collection exercise involving surveys, FGD and KII. All primary data collected by this evaluation process must remain confidential and not be shared with third parties.